Why doesn’t my child want to play outside?

Most of the parent says their children refuse to use the slides or swings. Some of the kids strongly refuse most of the movement patterns in the playground area. These movement patterns are such like swinging, running, accompanied as groups, etc This issue can arise due to fear of heights, unfamiliarity with certain types of … Read more

Why do babies hate being covered?

Can you discover why babies hate being covered? This is a fairly common concern for many sleep-deprived toddler parents. So you need to find a solution to stop your active toddler from kicking off the blanket while sleeping. They may maybe special reasons for your toddler’s hate for blankets and why they kick them off. … Read more

Early stimulation and development with head control activities

Dear parents, you can use various types of activities to help your child in their development. These types of early childhood stimulation and development activities are valuable for children who are mentally and physically disabled But Doc Dad editorial staff, we strongly believe that these types of early stimulation activities are very much helpful for … Read more

Why is my baby curling up in a ball? Best guide.

adorable baby is curling up on a mat

Normally the baby curls up in a ball happens when they are trying to roll. Most of the moms ask, why is my baby curling up in a ball? This can be considered a developmental milestone for your baby or infant. So the parents have to handle various rolling scenarios within the newborn phase of … Read more

Why does my baby drop her head forward?

Adorable toddler is laughing

Most moms notice this issue when their babies just pass 8 months of age. It starts with the occasional dropping of the head in a forward direction when the baby is sitting. So most moms ask “why does my baby drop her head forward?” Here the head suddenly drops forward and then the baby brings … Read more

Why does my baby lick every thing?

cute baby licks his toys

If you find a clear answer to why my baby licks everything? The babies are explorers and they want to touch, smell, and sometimes lick everything. It is not unusual behavior for them to explore the world through their tongue. In this way, they enjoy new sensory experiences. The babies are always trying to investigate … Read more

Handling techniques for your baby

Mom carries her baby away from the crib

The handling techniques are mainly designed to teach how to handle a baby correctly. Babies can have a proper understanding of their bodies and they can adjust to it if the parents and caregivers pick up and carry the baby properly. Your infant doesn’t have proper body awareness from the beginning of their life. So … Read more

Why does my toddler eat his diaper?

A baby wear a diaper and sit on a chair

Most kids start pulling little pieces off of the diaper or the side of the diaper while wearing it. They start eating it. They eat plastic as well. Most parents are unaware of how to stop it. Little baby kids stripped down and tossed their diapers into the toy bins and ran in celebration of … Read more

What is Cerebral Palsy

Adorable baby cuddlels in mom's hands

Cerebral palsy is a permanent but changing impairment of posture and movements. It results from lesions or anomalies of the brain in the early stages of its development. The most apparent problems are motor problems in cerebral palsy patients. But we can see a complex of associated issues mainly with perception. If a child needs … Read more